Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thursday and Friday: Cities Survey/Experiment

Does giving a point of reference increase accuracy in estimation? Students worked in partners to explore this effect. Each group chose a city, then asked 15 different people (each): how many people do you think live in this city? OR, How many people do you think live in this city, given the 2010 population?

Most groups should have found that their data is more spread out without giving a reference point. When we throw in a reference point (otherwise known as an "anchor"), people then have grounds in which to base their estimation. Otherwise, they are relying solely on their prior knowledge of the city when making an estimation.

Students then turned in 7 questions about their findings. One key point to reinforce is that, when given symmetric data, use the mean as a measure of spread. When given skewed data, use the median as a measure of spread.

Shout out to Issac Wilburn and Josh Reynolds for working with remarkable intensity during the entire class period on Friday!

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