Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hints for Problem Set #2

Problem 1A: Think about what type of data is displayed in a histogram, and think about how many random variables that Mrs. Timmons is trying to work with. For part three, I'm asking what features she might see in the histogram IN GENERAL. I didn't provide you with one. But if she was looking at a histogram, what would she see? Think: CUSS....and go from there.

Problem 1C: Think about the shape of the histogram: given this specific shape, which estimate should be higher, the mean or the median? Check your notes from Friday, August 30th if you're stuck. I'm looking for an approximation here, there's no "right" answer as long as you justify it properly in part B.

Problem 1D: How can we measure center? There is, as we know from our notes from August 30th, more than one way....

Problem #5: Assume that you're taking the median of the 6 existing weights of luggage - that is, don't count x7 just yet. Otherwise, you're not going to be able to start the question.

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