Thursday, October 3, 2013

Probability Test

You took your probability test on Wednesday and the next unit (beginning Friday) will focus on linear regression modeling (think bivariate data, scatterplots, and lines of best fit).

The tests were...much better than I expected! Shout out to Candace Latham and Josh Reynolds for making 100% or above on the test - that RARELY happens so FANTASTIC WORK! Another Shout out to Gambia Mosby for being the only one to guess what age I will be turning on my birthday - 25 (I am currently 24, but the question was how old will I be turning....)

Quite a few people got 10/10 on the multiple choice which was very good as well. Highest score was a 118%, the lowest was a 39%.

Hope you all had fun on the field trip in Little Rock!

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