Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2-Day Balloon Launching Experiment

For today and tomorrow, we are launching balloons (and popping them, if your name is Shalaunda Mosley) from various heights and testing whether or not there is a relationship between height and time for the balloon to make it to the ground. There should be 42 observations in your data - 6 from each height level.

Hint: Most likely, your data will not have particularly strong correlation. This does not mean that your experiment failed, but rather, that those two variables probably don't have a particularly strong linear relationship with each other. This is due to the variability in the way the balloons fall. Since they don't fall straight to the ground, there's a lot more flexibility in the path it takes (and thus, the time it takes to travel that path) to get to the ground...think about this when you write your responses tomorrow.

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