Saturday, October 26, 2013

Creating a Survey

We created surveys in class to collect data on whether or not people were satisfied at FCHS with the homecoming activities this year. You turned in 3 things on Friday: a survey of 10 questions, a sampling plan of how you would go about surveying the FCHS population, and an explanation of why/why not your survey was biased. 10 possible points were given for each, giving the assignment a total of 30 points.

In case anyone is wondering, here is how I would have written and conducted this survey:

1. In which homecoming activities did you participate this year? Please check all that apply:
-Football Fest
-PinkOut Day
-Class Day
-Tacky Day
-Blue/White Day
-Character Day
-Pep Rally
-Helped Build a Float
-Helped Decorate a Hallway
-Helped Decorate a Door
-Homecoming Football Game
-Other (Please list) ___________________

2. For the activities listed above, please rate them 1-5 in terms of your overall satisfaction (1 - lowest, 5 - highest).
-Football Fest
-PinkOut Day
-Class Day
-Tacky Day
-Blue/White Day
-Character Day
-Pep Rally
-Helped Build a Float
-Helped Decorate a Hallway
-Helped Decorate a Door
-Homecoming Football Game
-Other (Please list) ___________________

3. Name 1 activity from this year that you would like to see continued next year____________

4. Name 1 activity from this year that could have been done better __________________

5. For your answer to #4, explain why the activity you chose could have been improved __________

6. Do you plan on attending the FCHS Homecoming Football Game tonight?       Yes     No

7. In reference to your answer to #6, if yes, what inspires you to attend? If no, what could be done to inspire you to attend?

8. On a scale of 1-5, 1 - lowest, 5 - highest, rate your own personal sense of school pride/spirit during a regular basis.

9. On a scale of 1-5, 1 - lowest, 5 - highest, rate your own personal sense of school pride/spirit during homecoming week.

10. Any other comments/questions feedback for next year's homecoming organization team?

Sampling Plan:
I would first use a random number generator to assign each 2nd period classroom a number. I would then use the random number generator to select four classrooms in which to carry out my survey - approx. 100 students. I would not collect the surveys until all answers are filled in to prevent nonresponse bias. I chose 2nd period because some students come in late in the morning, so my reasoning suggests that most if not all students have made it to school by that time. Next, I would use the random number generator to assign each teacher a number, then randomly select 10 teachers to participate in the survey (out of 72 teachers, 10 sufficiently represents the sub-population of teachers).  I would label the counselors, secretaries, and administrators "Other," then use the same procedure as the teachers to randomly select 4 "other" workers to take the survey.

My sampling plan is biased in several ways. Firstly, it is only administered in 2nd period, which excludes the population of students who did not attend second period that day. It also is administered in school, which excludes the homebound population of students. Additionally, I risk not receiving an accurate picture of the population if students from all grade levels were nor randomly selected to be represented in my data (I did not purposefully do this, so it is not a source of bias, but I want to take note of it nonetheless).  I took several measures to minimize bias. I chose four clustered classrooms at random during a time of day where many students are present. I gave all teachers and "other" staff members a number so that teachers who do not have classes 2nd period were not excluded from the selection process. I gave specific numbers in my survey to measure satisfaction level of students to eliminate measurement bias.

10 extra points on the next problem set if you write your favorite homecoming-themed day under your answer to question 2!

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