Monday, November 11, 2013

Review, Tests, and Next Steps

It's been a while since I've posted - so sorry about that guys! A big shout out to everyone who was involved with today's ROTC/band/choir performances at Veteran's Day. You ROCKED - it sounded and looked phenomenal.

Today we just graded the exams in class and talked about open response questions. The good news is that nobody completely bombed the open responses - to an extent, you all had an idea of where the question was taking you. LOVED IT. However, we still need to improve on mastering the use of statistical vocabulary in the context of our answer. I needed to see words like "treatment," and "placebo groups" and "randomization" rather than "that thing that affected the data...." yeah. Be specific!

We're going to start a mini-unit on simulations and expected value, along with some theoretical discussions on distribution shape. We know that the Normal Curve is one type of distribution available - but how many others are out there? To be continued...

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