Monday, November 18, 2013

Binomial Distributions

Binomial distributions are discrete distributions where x, the random variable, can either succeed or fail at something. The problem will give you a probability (of success or failure), a number of trials, and how many successes they are looking for.  Your answer will be a probability and should be written in the form p(x = c) where c is the number that you are looking for in the problem.

We made binomial distributions in class today based off of tables and of graphs. Either one conveys the same information. I also discussed how to do this in the calculator. Go to 2nd - vars, then scroll down to binompdf. From there, type in the number of trials, the probability as a decimal between 0 and 1, and the number of successes.

Your answer should be interpreted as:"The binomial probability of getting (number of successes) given (number of trials) and (probability) of success is (your answer)."

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