Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wednesday, January 29th: Test Review, Thursday January 30th: Confidence Interval Test

We reviewed with two confidence interval problems in class on Wednesday to help reinforce main ideas. I gave you an additional problem to take home with you. Remember that the AP exam people are tricky and that they are going to try to ask you some sort of conceptual problem about the interval along with the calculation of the interval itself.

The tests that I've graded fall somewhere in the middle in terms of test difficulty. It wasn't the hardest test, wasn't the easiest - probably somewhere near the middle. My advice to you guys is this, as I've been saying for a while: try to tackle the open response part FIRST so that you don't run out of time at the end. You can always pick an answer for multiple choice, but it's really tough to make up work at the last minute for the free response.

I will pass back your tests to you as soon as I have everyone take the test. At this moment, I still have a student who needs to make up the exam.

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