Monday, December 9, 2013

Hints for Problem Set 9

Problem 1: I am looking for a paragraph answer. Please be specific. If you choose to design an experiment, you may include an experiment diagram to SUPPORT your answer but that should not be your entire answer.

Problem 2: positively skewed means skewed to the right and negatively skewed means skewed to the left. You may use the TI to calculate your boxplot but you must include a scale and titles for full credit.

Problem 3: binomial/geometric probabilities, think about the stuff we just covered.

Problem 4: when you comment on the differences for both histograms that you made, with titles labels and a scale, use CUSS to do this most effectively, and comparator language.

Problem 5: this is probably the most challenging question. Note that you cannot describe linearity without a scatter plot. There are several key calculator functions that you'll need to do this problem - check your notes. Note that we determine transformations using improvements in both the residual plot and in r-squared. Don't forget to put the transformed variable in your new regression equation(ex y =3.2logx + 7)

If you need help for question 5, or any other question for that matter, please contact me directly or come after school tomorrow. Remember to always write in complete sentences and to never begin a sentence with "because"

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