Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Univariate Review/Multiple Choice

We reviewed our entire first chapter today on univariate data/graphical displays. Some important notes to remember for tomorrow's exam.

-10 multiple choice, 3 open response, you choose the two open response that you want to complete. If you do all three then I take the highest two.
-You may bring one 8.5 x 11 sheet of notes with you - front side only.

Something that I forgot to mention in class is that WE WILL BE TESTING IN THE LECTURE HALL. Please report there first period.

I realize that there are bag checks in the morning. I need you to realize that I have a class 2nd period. Don't take all day to get to the lecture hall - the longer you take to get there, the less time you will have on your test. Make good decisions.

Answers to today's multiple choice questions are:
1) C
2) C
3) C
4) B

TI.1) D
TI.2) B
TI.3) B
TI.4) B
TI.5) B
TI.6) D
TI.7) don't worry about this one yet - quartiles are coming up later, probably next week
TI.8) don't worry about this one yet - we'll compare means next week
TI.9) E
TI.10) B
TI.11) D these are comparative boxplots - our next unit.

Go through the open response questions and, for everything except TI.12) part c, make sure that you'd know how to answer the question. You don't necessarily have to do all the questions, just know what you'd write or calculate if you were answering them. Plus five bonus points on your test if you write one thing that you like about AP Statistics on the back of the last page of tomorrow's test.

Happy studying!

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